Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quality over Quantity

As I'm pretty busy right now there are no in depth posts planned until the weekend but a few quick points...
1. Don't forget you can search all of my posts for what you want by typing keywords into the search box at the upper left hand corner of the screen

2. DSCO- this demonstrates the power of risk management and stops in a market like this. I bought at 1.51 after the stock required further FDA approval. Yesterday was a meeting with the FDA... As the stock ran up I moved up my stops to lock in gain while still capturing the upside if the upward trend continued. My stop was hit at 2.09 a few days ago... still a nice gain of better than 35%. Had I been less careful and precise I would have given back most of my gains... "Have a Systematic Method"...
Wish You Success in the Markets... J
As I've mentioned on previous posts I may not post every day... sometimes if I'm busy I might not post much or at all in a given week... other times I will be more prolific. As is the case for all of us we have to decide how to balance our time with friends, life, jobs, interests, etc... and as much as I like the market and want to share my thoughts on here I will never sacrifice the proper order of priorities. That being said lots of posts don't necessarily = best for you. It's comes down to this...

Quality over Quantity.

I always prefer meaningful posts to shallow, inconsequential ones. These are the most likely to help you and me... symbiosis.

That being said, even when I am busy, I have no problem pointing out a few quick points as I come across them and sharing them on this blog. First I want to say for now that the last post (Building Your Arsenal) still has some grammatical and typing errors in it which I will clean up over time... also areas of clarification or additions to it (other than typing/grammar changes) will be in orange so you may want to check back on posts like this periodically to see if anything has improved and can help you.

Ok... so here are a few quick points for Tuesday...
1. Check out the chart for MA on stockcharts. It looks like it may have consolidated and be on the way up. This is a stock on my exclusive 'best of the best' list and with a PEG of 1.6, for a stock where estimates keep going up (so G is probably too low, PEG too high), a company which can do well even in a downturn (though do watch for credit card companies to be much tighter on credit as things get worse... just something to watch) , a company where people like you and me are starting to swipe credit cards and debit cards for items like milk at 7-11 (no slowdown will prevent us from eating milk with our cereal etc,) and enormous global growth... this company always requires watching for any pullbacks and consolidation moves. Do your own DD.

2. Water. Here is a good post from Small Cap Investors (Sign up... it's great and it's free). The company is LAYN.

Nighty Night...

This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not give investment advice.


Anonymous said...

Water is gaining traction. Check out Cascal (HOO) today. I own SBS it has been decent but I posted a bunch of water stocks a couple weeks ago that you should take a look at (just search water and my name). They all caught my eye. I feel like people invested in oil are slowly going to put their profits in things like water.

rosesryellow2 said...

Yes... it's partly because the large farming boom will require more and more water. There is a little bit of an issue with farming subsidies in the US which gives farmers water for cheap... nonetheless eventually I think the demand for water will go up like everything else. PICO is another very interesting name...