Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I closed My Washingon Mutual Account!

Ok, Maybe it isn't quite as impressive as 'The Catch'... but while everyone else, like ignorant sheep, was depositing their money into the bank

I was feeling like a Champion ;)

I know... it's FDIC insured... but still a waste of my FDIC'in time...
Here's the story on WAMU.

"The Yellow Rose Street Beat" is for informational purposes only. It does not give investment advice.


Uncle Len said...

Looks like I will need a thicker mattress.. Don't trust any banks!

rosesryellow2 said...

No kidding. With the 'stronger dollar' BS I am thinking strongly of buying some FXF with some of my money... Swiss Francs Currency... it might be a good time. I will wait until the 'Strong Dolar' begins to weaken. Oscillators turn and the Swiss actually have a currency people want.